Erin Pence Photography: Blog en-us (C) Erin Pence Photography (Erin Pence Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:15:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:15:00 GMT Erin Pence Photography: Blog 120 34 Video - Leave Me Ok, I usually don't put this stuff on my blog, but this video has made me cry like three times now, and I just had to share it with everyone...

To the creators: WOW! Amazing, Powerful work!
You guys have some serious talent!

Leave Me from Daros Films on Vimeo.


Here is the link to the shorter version... Equally as amazing...

(Erin Pence Photography) Thu, 08 Oct 2009 11:35:00 GMT
Crayon Death I have no idea why I took this image. I just saw these and had to take it. I would have spent more time and hopefully got a better shot, but it was in the middle of the road and cars were coming...

(Erin Pence Photography) Wed, 15 Jul 2009 09:30:00 GMT
Yellowstone - Day 6

Our last day in the park we spent at Old Faithful and the Old Faithful Inn. The Inn is amazing and if you ever get to Yellowstone it is a must see. We then hiked back to Morning Glory Pool (which we spent the week trying to find) and while it was pretty, it wasn't that spectacular... Sapphire pool was a lot prettier. We did get to see Castle Geyser erupt which was pretty amazing. And on our final day in Yellowstone, we finally got the amazing sunset we had been waiting for all week... Unfortunately, we were not anywhere that had a really nice foreground for photos. Regardless, it still was the perfect way to finish off the week!

(Erin Pence Photography) Tue, 14 Jul 2009 09:28:00 GMT
Yellowstone - Day 5 A day of Elk and Geysers. It's amazing that Yellowstone is just a huge volcano that could blow any minute. The Hot Springs and Geysers really are wonders of nature.

(Erin Pence Photography) Mon, 13 Jul 2009 09:26:00 GMT
Yellowstone - Day 4

Today we stopped off for another walk through Mammoth Springs, headed to West Yellowstone for a look at some bears and wolves, hiked up to the Artists Paint Pots, saw yet another bear, and watched an amazing storm move across Hayden Valley.

(Erin Pence Photography) Sun, 12 Jul 2009 09:23:00 GMT
Yellowstone - Day 3 Wildlife and Waterfall day! We started the day off with spotting a hawk while on Six Mile Road... Continued to the highest point in the park for a picnic lunch.... (The air was really thin up there... :-( had a hard time breathing...) And then went to check out some of the waterfalls around the park. Absolutely beautiful!

Important lesson of the day: If it ain't a bear, don't stop and stare!
We about caused multiple traffic accidents because we stopped to take photos of this heard of elk!

(Erin Pence Photography) Sat, 11 Jul 2009 09:19:00 GMT
Yellowstone - Day 2

Today we visited Mammoth Spring, spotted what we think is a coyote (and not a wolf), stalked more Bison, and saw our first bears... and got pretty darn close to a Grizzly!!!

(Erin Pence Photography) Thu, 09 Jul 2009 22:04:00 GMT
Yellowstone - Day 1

Our first day in Montana and Yellowstone. We watched the moon set behind a mountain across the valley, stopped at Old Faithful, saw our first Buffalo herd, and drove down to the Tetons Mountain Range... Beautiful Country!!!

(Erin Pence Photography) Wed, 08 Jul 2009 21:47:00 GMT
Yellowstone - The First Night

After a few hours on a plane and a 3 hour car ride through Montana, we arrived at the North Entrance to Yellowstone National Park! After dinner, this was the view from our balcony!!!

(Erin Pence Photography) Wed, 08 Jul 2009 13:41:00 GMT